Nikk-UI - UI & Colorful Blogger Template [templateiki]

Nikk UI Blogger Templates is a terrific template with a flexible design that loads much faster than you may think in the browser. We used a number of high-level optimization strategies to achieve this. We also show how a user might utilize a popular post instead of the highlighted post in a snapshot. You can also make use of jQuery, but that is totally up to you. This design has a clean, colourful appearance and a number of sophisticated level devices.

Main Features

  • Performance Info
  • Update Template
  • Fast Loading
  • Full Responsive
  • Mobile Frendly
  • 404 Error Page
  • Google Schema
  • Fonts Style
  • Theme Designer
  • Image Optimizer
  • Lazy Load
  • OnScroll Load
  • Ajax Menu
  • In-Articles Ads
  • Subscription Box
  • Exclusive Shortcodes
  • Native Plugins
  • Embed YouTube Icons
  • Comment Image links
  • SEO tags Plugin
  • Template Features
  • Web Documentation         
  • Table of Contents         
  • Button Post Shortcodes         
  • Responsive & Mobile Friendly         
  • Dark Mode & Dark Logo         
  • Sidebar Custom Posts         
  • No Encrypted Scripts         
  • Fast Loading/SEO Optimized         
  • Auto Translate languages (RTL)         
  • Featured Post Section         
  • Exclusive Subscribe Form         
  • Custom InPosts Ads Code         
  • Awesome Ajax Mega Menu         
  • 5+ Custom Featured Posts         
  • Custom Shortcodes Support         
  • Exclusive Footer Copyright         
  • Comments box Facebook & disqus         
  • Native Cookies Consent         
  • Lifetime Updates

